Monday 18 June 2007

Living a life of Love?

Life can sometimes really suck! Don't you just hate it when you have to make a choice? A stupid choice, a senseless choice, something that seems such a no-brainer and then years later you realize what a stupid choice you made.

Remember the choices you make! And if you remember nothing from this short post! Never choose a girl over a clan!

Choose your alternative today.

Thursday 7 June 2007

Photoshop CS2 on Linux in 5 Easy Steps - Guaranteed

So you've finally got round to installing ubuntu or other linux flavor, your qute happy so far but you wanna be able to photoshop, you've tried the whole 10 step guide thing where u need another windows install, then you need to copy the install folder then the reg keys then reg hacks, urg why didnt it say just write your own IMP.

Heres an alternative solution that will have photoshop cs2 on you linux distro in less than 5mins.

*In order to do this you will be downloading a precracked copy of CS2 so you need to have your own licence of CS2 for this to be Legal!*

1. Step one, ensure wine is installed
ubuntu users: sudo apt-get install wine

2. Download Portable.Photoshop.CS2.iNT-JALIT;
Update: Found download link:

when downloaded extract rars, then run PortaShopCS2.exe in wine to extract the containing files.

3. Copy the folder which was extracted (PortaShopCS2) to /home/*username*/.wine/drive_c/Program Files

4. Download these 2 dll's and put in /home/*username*/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/PortaShopCS2/Photoshop


5. Create a laucher on your desktop with the command wine "/home/*username*/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/PortaShopCS2/PhotoshopPortable.exe"

or simply type the run the command in terminal.

If you did the launcher heres adobe icons

Seems to be quite stable, hasn't crashed on me yet but haven't done awful lot on it either.

There are two nags upon loading, one is about Adobe UI Font and the other is Adobe Updater (not included in portable)

Any questions or help needed just comment